LAFCOs are responsible under the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 to regulate the formation and development of local governmental agencies and their municipal services. This includes approving or disapproving proposed changes of organization, such as district annexations, consistent with adopted policies and procedures pursuant to California Government Code Section 56375. LAFCOs are authorized with broad discretion in amending and conditioning changes of organization as long as they do not directly regulate land use, property development, or subdivision requirements. The following is a general flow chart of the application process for reorganizations.

The following application guidance documents and forms should be utilized when submitting an application to LAFCO. Applicants are encouraged to reach out to LAFCO staff to go over the process, fees, and timeline for applications. Please contact staff (krystle @ -or- amber @ for a form fillable version of the Application Form.

Application Process
Application Check-List
Adopted Fee Schedule
Application Form
Agreement to Pay and Indemnification Agreement


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